Mar 28, 2023
4 minute read

How To Adapt Your B2B SEO Approach

Is your website not attracting its intended professional audience? Running a company that provides business-to-business (B2B) services is not the same as running one with a more traditional sales model. Instead of selling products or services to general consumers, you need to sell them to other enterprises and professionals.

To capture this niche market and get an edge over your competitors, you need to incorporate robust and creative search engine optimization (SEO) strategies into your online platform. Read on to learn more about how to use B2B SEO techniques to attract your target audience.

How Important Is Networking in B2B E-commerce?

Back in 2021, the B2B e-commerce industry yielded an online sales revenue of $1.64 trillion. Current projections show that this figure could balloon to $4.6 trillion by 2025. B2B e-commerce involves digital transactions between two businesses or manufacturers. These transactions can come in several forms, such as raw material acquisition or multi-organizational correspondence.

To thrive in such a lucrative and complex industry, you should have a solid network of companies and professionals who can either promote your brand, go on joint business ventures with you or become a part of your customer base. In fact, around 80% of corporate and marketing professionals believe that networking is crucial to success.

Networking used to be more difficult, with small business owners needing to hand out thousands of business cards before securing a sale. Fortunately, there are now online solutions and SEO methods you can use to increase your B2B network.

Ways To Capture a Professional Audience Using B2B SEO Strategies

There are many ways you can tweak your SEO approach and get a professional audience to notice and engage with your online platform.

Understand Your Target Audience

Before you create content for your business website, you should first know who your site is for. Knowing that your audience is IT experts, building contractors or lawyers is not enough.

You need to do further research and determine the topics and information that these professionals look for online. Once you identify these details, you can make content that answers their queries. You can likewise create appropriate title tags and meta descriptions that search engines can use to direct your target audience to your site.

Moreover, you should know your target audience’s demographics and build a website that accommodates their needs. Around 75% of consumers look at a site’s layout and design to determine its credibility. Hence, make sure that your site is appealing to your audience.

If you need help creating a well-designed site, partner with an SEO agency in Michigan like Hierographx. We offer web and application design services that can elevate your brand and make your site accessible on multiple platforms.

Craft High-Quality and Relevant Content

Search engine algorithms will look at your content’s accuracy and usefulness to determine its proper site ranking. Content that is outdated and filled with misinformation will have a low ranking and generate little to no site traffic. Meanwhile, posts that have clear, useful and accurate information will be ranked higher. Top-ranking posts are almost 50% more likely to generate more traffic

Hence, you have to craft high-quality and relevant content for professionals to discover and pay attention to your site. Your blog posts should include educational information that offers genuine value to industry experts or enthusiasts. For example, if you’re writing a review about a certain smartphone, you should back your claims up with data coming from benchmarks, stress tests, or teardowns.

Furthermore, look at your top competitors’ posts to learn the most relevant subjects. Identify the topics that make them popular in search lists. Moreover, find the strengths and weaknesses in their SEO strategies. Then, apply the things you’ve learned in creating your own content on the subject.

Alternatively, you can hire a Northern Michigan SEO company that provides copywriting services. We at Hierographx can create different kinds of high-quality content for your company website, ranging from blog articles to newsletters.

Use a Professional Tone and Language

Using the right tone is crucial for your B2B online platform to succeed. To attract professional people, you need to use professional words and phrases. Show your proficiency in the topics you discuss and services you promote by using technical words and formal language. However, avoid being too technical as this can make you sound like a bot.

Moreover, help your audience discover your content by using the right keywords. Identify the keywords that your audience uses when searching for answers online, Then, incorporate those words into the blog posts, web pages and other related content you create. You can likewise add backlinks to select words to further bolster your site’s online visibility and engagement rate.

Hierographx can launch an effective keyword and backlink campaign for your business website. Our marketing and IT professionals can look for the right keywords and strategically place them in your site’s content. We will likewise monitor their usage to avoid overuse and keyword cannibalization.

Final Thoughts

To capture a professional audience, you can employ several SEO strategies, like posting the right content and using appropriate keywords.

If you’re searching for an SEO agency in Michigan that can apply these strategies to your website for you, look no further than Hierographx. We are a full-service digital agency that can offer custom solutions for your B2B platform.

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